Chairbound Hunters
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We have decided to specify that our hunters very simply be active chair bound. Paras must be able to get around well in rough terrain for short distances, do transfers, etc. Quads are welcome as well if they have an attendant with them to help out.

We realize there are many different disabilities; however, not being able to use one’s legs at all gives the hunter a distinct disadvantage. Also, we feel that although there are many wonderful organizations helping chair bound hunters, there are just not enough. We will consider each individual on a case-by-case basis.
The persons selected must have extensive hunting and shooting experience/practice at distances of as much as 400 yards. We want to be absolutely safe, first of all. Secondly, we owe it to the game that we hunt to be as humane as possible and put them down quickly.

No alcohol or illegal drug use of any kind will be tolerated while hunting. If a hunter is caught with any, he or she will immediately be dismissed from the hunt.

We will hunt out of pickups (the hunter must have a permit through Wyoming Game and Fish) and/or ground blinds. Most of the areas that we hunt will be rugged, so keep in mind that it won’t be a smooth ride. We have several thousand acres of private land, and will hunt in areas from 10 to as much as 100 miles away from Wheatland.
Whatever’s in season. We follow the bow and gun season schedules set up by Wyoming Game and Fish for elk, pronghorn, deer, turkey, doves, geese, and predators. If there’s a season for it, we’ll set up a hunt!
Chairbound Hunters is a small group of people committed to help give the chair bound hunter the opportunity to experience quality hunting in beautiful southeast Wyoming. Our reward is seeing the enjoyment our clients receive. Chairbound Hunters is a non-profit organization designed exclusively for persons who are wheelchair-bound, blind or terminally ill. These persons are taken out to hunt antelope, deer, elk and/or turkey by one of our board members or a qualified helper. We have hunters come from all over the United States. For now, our hunters have to buy their own hunting licenses, but the organization would eventually like to have scholarships for those who cannot afford to buy a hunting license.
Give Al a call at the phone number above. After visiting with you, he’ll talk you through all the steps, and let you know what you need to do next.
If you’d like to volunteer, or make a donation to Chairbound Hunters, please contact Al McCarty using the information above. Become a part of Chairbound Hunters!
We’re always looking for additional places to bring our hunters. We never want to turn anyone down because of a lack of hunting land, so if you can help out with this please give us a call! The biggest reward you’ll get will be the smiles you’ll bring to the hunters you’re helping. In addition though, donating your land for the temporary use of Chairbound Hunters has tax benefits. As a non-profit organization, your receipt from Chairbound Hunters is a deduction “right off the top.”

Al McCarty             


Chuck Bunner        


Jeff Kennedy         


Jeremy Kennedy    


Jeremy Porter  


Sharon McCarty


Paul Andersen


Peasley & Armstrong

Platte Valley Bank

Heartland Inn & Suites

Camp Guernsey

Wyo Tech

Fat Boy Tire & Auto

The Print Shop, LLC

Nexgen Outfitters

Laramie Peak Motors

Sportsman's Warehouse

Hornady Manufacturing

Vortex Optics

Spartan Precision Equipment

Would you like to contact someone on our list?

Just drop us a comment and we'll be glad to get you in touch.

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